Effective, practical strategies for coping with urinary incontinence

Scalp psoriasis: What to know about this uncomfortable inflammatory skin condition

Measles is making a comeback: Can we stop it?

Should you be sleepmaxxing to boost health and happiness?

Need a root canal? Here's what to expect

Savoring the benefits of bone broth: Worth a taste?

Gingivitis: Reversing and preventing early gum disease

Supporting a loved one with prostate cancer: A guide for caregivers

Anaplasmosis: Another tick-borne illness, another reason to protect yourself against ticks

Bird flu: Where we are now and what to know about prevention
Harvard Health Publishing

Diseases & Conditions
Should you be tested for inflammation?
Recent research has revealed more about how chronic inflammation affects health, leading some to ask if they should get tested for it. While several tests can detect inflammation, they’re useful in specific cases but not for everyone.
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Stat of the Week
Recent outbreaks of measles have sickened more than 220 people in 12 states, mostly children. While some may think of measles as a minor viral infection that causes a runny nose, fever, and itchy rash, serious complications can occur, including pneumonia, poor pregnancy outcomes, and more. Complications are most common among young children, pregnant women, and people with an impaired immune system.
Two doses of MMR vaccine are 97% effective in preventing measles.

Effective, practical strategies for coping with urinary incontinence

Scalp psoriasis: What to know about this uncomfortable inflammatory skin condition

Measles is making a comeback: Can we stop it?

Should you be sleepmaxxing to boost health and happiness?

Need a root canal? Here's what to expect

Savoring the benefits of bone broth: Worth a taste?

Gingivitis: Reversing and preventing early gum disease

Supporting a loved one with prostate cancer: A guide for caregivers

Anaplasmosis: Another tick-borne illness, another reason to protect yourself against ticks

Bird flu: Where we are now and what to know about prevention
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