Should you be tested for inflammation?
Torn meniscus: Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options
Life can be challenging: Build your own resilience plan
Alcohol and your health: Risks, benefits, and controversies
DHEA supplements: Are they safe? Or effective?
Malnutrition in older adults: Strategies for addressing this common problem
New surgery for benign prostate hyperplasia provides long-lasting benefits
Shining light on night blindness
Myths and truths about vitamin C
What could be causing your itchy scalp?
Christine Junge
Posts by Christine Junge
Christine Junge
Can computer games keep your brain fit?
Christine Junge
Natural recoverers kick addiction without help
Christine Junge
Eat your way to a healthy heart
Heart Health
Doctors can confuse heartburn and heart disease, even in themselves
Mind & Mood
Therapy dog offers stress relief at work
Christine Junge
How your friends make you fat—the social network of weight
Christine Junge
In case of zombie apocalypse, check with the CDC
Christine Junge
Food and migraine: a personal connection
Should you be tested for inflammation?
Torn meniscus: Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options
Life can be challenging: Build your own resilience plan
Alcohol and your health: Risks, benefits, and controversies
DHEA supplements: Are they safe? Or effective?
Malnutrition in older adults: Strategies for addressing this common problem
New surgery for benign prostate hyperplasia provides long-lasting benefits
Shining light on night blindness
Myths and truths about vitamin C
What could be causing your itchy scalp?