photo of Gregory Fricchione, MD

Gregory Fricchione, MD

Contributor; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Gregory Fricchione is associate chief of psychiatry, director of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine and of the Chester Pierce Division of Global Psychiatry, and co-director of the McCance Center for Brain Health in the department of neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital, and the Mind Body Medical Institute Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He specializes in neuropsychiatry and psychosomatic medicine, and for over 40 years has helped care for patients with severe medical, neurological, and surgical illnesses.

He has published more than 250 publications and has authored or co-authored six books, including Compassion and Healing in Medicine: On the Nature and Uses of Attachment Solutions for Separation Challenges and The Science of Stress. His research interests include study of the catatonic syndrome, the neurophysiology of stress and resilience, and how the comparative neurology of brain evolution illuminates our concepts of health and illness and medical caregiving.

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