Effective, practical strategies for coping with urinary incontinence

Scalp psoriasis: What to know about this uncomfortable inflammatory skin condition

Measles is making a comeback: Can we stop it?

Should you be sleepmaxxing to boost health and happiness?

Need a root canal? Here's what to expect

Savoring the benefits of bone broth: Worth a taste?

Gingivitis: Reversing and preventing early gum disease

Supporting a loved one with prostate cancer: A guide for caregivers

Anaplasmosis: Another tick-borne illness, another reason to protect yourself against ticks

Bird flu: Where we are now and what to know about prevention

Hilary Connery, MD, PhD
Hilary Connery, MD, PhD, is an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and serves as the clinical director for McLean Hospital’s division of alcohol, drugs, and addiction. Dr. Connery’s expertise includes treatment of opioid use disorders and integrated treatments for co-occurring substance use disorders and other mental illnesses. Her current research efforts are directed toward public health prevention strategies for addressing self-injury mortality, and patient-focused investigation regarding suicidal motivations contributing to drug overdose.
Dr. Connery is a distinguished fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and has served within the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry as New England area director, co-chair of the policy committee, and as a national mentor within the national mentoring program through Providers Clinical Support System. In these roles, she actively advocates for more effective responses to the drug overdose and suicide epidemics, and also nationally mentors clinicians in evidence-based treatment of substance use disorders.
Posts by Hilary Connery, MD, PhD

Effective, practical strategies for coping with urinary incontinence

Scalp psoriasis: What to know about this uncomfortable inflammatory skin condition

Measles is making a comeback: Can we stop it?

Should you be sleepmaxxing to boost health and happiness?

Need a root canal? Here's what to expect

Savoring the benefits of bone broth: Worth a taste?

Gingivitis: Reversing and preventing early gum disease

Supporting a loved one with prostate cancer: A guide for caregivers

Anaplasmosis: Another tick-borne illness, another reason to protect yourself against ticks

Bird flu: Where we are now and what to know about prevention