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Shelly Greenfield, MD, MPH
Shelly F. Greenfield, MD, MPH, is a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and the Kristine M. Trustey Endowed Chair of Psychiatry at McLean Hospital, where she also serves as the chief academic officer. She is the chief of the division of women’s mental health, and the director of clinical and health services research and education in the alcohol, drug, and addiction treatment program at McLean Hospital. Dr. Greenfield is an addiction psychiatrist, clinician, and researcher. Dr. Greenfield has served as principal investigator and co-investigator on federally funded research focusing on treatment for substance use disorders, gender differences in substance disorders, and health services for substance disorders.
She received a National Institute on Drug Abuse–funded career award in substance use disorder patient-oriented research (2005–2016). Funded by grants from NIH/NIDA, she developed and tested a new manual-based group therapy for women with substance use disorders, the Women’s Recovery Group (WRG). The WRG is an evidence-based treatment, and the manual for dissemination was published in 2016, Treating Women with Substance Use Disorders: The Women’s Recovery Group Manual. She is immediate past president of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, and current member and past chair of the American Psychiatric Association’s Council on Addiction Psychiatry. She is immediate past editor in chief of the Harvard Review of Psychiatry, a position in which she served for 16 years (2002–2018).
Dr. Greenfield was a member of the advisory committee on services for women for the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2011–2017). She has been elected to the American College of Psychiatrists and the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, and is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. She received the R. Brinkley Smithers Distinguished Scientist Award from the American Society of Addiction Medicine, and the A. Clifford Barger Award for Excellence in Mentoring from Harvard Medical School.
Posts by Shelly Greenfield, MD, MPH

What is prostatitis and how is it treated?

What is Cushing syndrome?

Exercises to relieve joint pain

Think your child has ADHD? What your pediatrician can do

Foam roller: Could you benefit from this massage tool?

Stepping up activity if winter slowed you down

Common causes of cloudy urine

Dragon fruit: How to enjoy this antioxidant-rich fruit

Are you getting health care you don't need?

Could you benefit from wearing compression socks?