Harvard Health Blog
Our newest book: Saying Goodbye

I’m excited to introduce one of Harvard Health Publishing’ newest books, Saying Goodbye: How Families Can Find Renewal Through Loss. The book, by psychologists Barbara Okun and Joseph Nowinski, explores the concept of “new grief” — the way that people now grieve when medical science prolongs lives for weeks, months, or even years.
A recent New York Times article captured the essence of Saying Goodbye, stating that Drs. Okun and Nowinski “…assembled a kind of emotional road map to steer families through their early reactions, the medical and social and financial issues, the ways caregiving reawakens old family dynamics, the need for communication.”
If you are interested in knowing more about new grief or if you’re going through the difficult “saying goodbye” process, check out these links and this terrific new book:
Dr. Nowinski’s blog on Huffington Post
Saying Goodbye on Amazon.com
About the Author

Julie Silver, MD, Chief Editor of Books, Harvard Health Publishing
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