Torn your ACL? Send us your story.
You may have heard or read about the Swedish study published in The New England Journal of Medicine that found no difference between surgical repair of a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and taking a rehab-only approach.
Some of our favorite sports stars here in New England have torn their ACLs recently, including Wes Welker, a receiver for the Patriots, and Kendrick Perkins, a center for the Celtics. Both Welker and Perkins had surgery.
Of course, it’s not just elite pro athletes who suffer this injury. Plenty of us lesser mortals rip the ligament playing basketball at the Y, skiing at a nearby mountain, or just horsing around with the kids.
We’re working on an article about ACL tears for an upcoming issue of the Harvard Health Letter. We’d like to hear from you if you’ve torn your ACL or know someone who has. What was the pain like? Did you choose surgery or rehab and why? Did you get a second opinion? What has your recovery been like? And what advice would you give others who have torn their ACL?
Your stories will help us write an accurate story that reflects what people really go through. And with your permission—and only with your permission—we’d like share your account with readers of this blog and with people who visit the Harvard Health Publication Web site.
Please write and put ACL tear in the subject line.
About the Author

Peter Wehrwein, Contributor, Harvard Health
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