Harvard Health Letter
Want to reduce pain in your knees and be more active? Eat smarter and reduce your risk for a heart attack? Improve your flexibility and balance so you don’t fall? Sleep the entire night so you have more energy during the day? Take control of your health right now! In Harvard Health Letter, you’ll find easy remedies and solutions to these common challenges and more.
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There’s no better time than right now to take control of your health – and you can do that with a subscription to the Harvard Health Letter.
You are continually flooded with health news and have questions about where to find the best treatment, which food, supplement, or exercise is best for you, and, ultimately, what’s the right answer! With the Harvard Health Letter, from Harvard Medical School, you’ll get answers to your questions.
- Can exercise ward off Alzheimer’s disease?
- Is green tea the cancer-fighter it’s cracked up to be?
- How should I prepare for a colonoscopy?
- Do I get the same benefit from fish oil capsules as from eating fish?
- At my age, should strength-training be a part of my exercise routine?
Each month, the doctors at Harvard Medical School answer questions like these in the pages of the Harvard Health Letter. Easy-to-read, clear, and concise, Harvard Health Letter is like a monthly conversation with your favorite doctor.
Start your subscription today and be on your way to a healthier life!
The following reviews have been left for this newsletter. Log in and leave a review of your own.
I am so very impressed with the four Harvard Health newsletters that I receive. I receive a couple of others from other institutions, and they're OK, but yours are superior -- perfect language usage (well, except for the couple of times you slipped, using "healthy" instead of "healthful), no typos, clear layout, quiet humor. Thank you! L.A., Binghamton, NY
Very reliable info. A trusted newsletter. As a nurse that's important. The info has to be factual. CMR
I appreciate your letters in two ways: one when they refer to a specific problem, like when you address back aches or heartburn (though they can be a little boring when they refer to some problem that I don't have), and second when they refer to healthy habits, like exercise or nutrition, specially when you help to demystified some common misinformation. I enjoy a lot both. Keep them coming!—LH, Greenville, SC
I enjoy your health letter because it contains everything I might need to convey to my children and their families, for which I thank you!! RK Cape Town South Africa
I find most of yours Health Letters helpful. The information you give helps me to understand the different health problems, teaches me how to improve or prevent them and helps me to feel more in control of my life. EN, Sydney , Australia
I have read the Health Letter for years, and I find it gives me intelligent and readable information on the issues. The mainstream media seems to go crazy over the Health News of the moment, never going beyond the first and most superficial examination of the information. I look to the Harvard Health Letter to keep me well informed. SN Albuquerque, NM
I like the fact that you address the current issues we read or hear about in the news--when it sounds iffy especially, we say, "We'll see what The Harvard Medical Letter says about it." ER Naperville Illinois
I'm skeptical of most information regarding health issues on the internet. The Harvard Health Letter is one of the very few that I trust. JPM Hansville, WA
Info from Harvard Health Publications gives me well-researched, comprehensive and reliable background to discuss medical issues with my physicians. On receipt of recent article on possible adverse effects of long-term use of Fosamax, I felt sufficiently informed to discuss this intelligently with my Gyn. Thank you! HRS, New York, NY
The letter gives me information in a timely fashion! Helps me to NOT make medical mistakes. At sixty one, it could mean my life! CE Forty Fort, PA
Multiple articles have helped me, especially those with reference to alternative health methods. I love the variety covered in the letter, many topics of which are useful in everyday life, like nutrition & microwave cooking; ear wax facts; exercise; topical pain relief; even tattooing! I appreciate the simpler, yet professional language of the material: easy to understand but inspires confidence in the facts. I am well-read in layman's medical literature, but I learn something from virtually every letter. SB, Lancaster, PA
I like the range of topics you discuss-- from the risk-benefits of cancer screening for older people to approaches to reduce flatulence. An article concluding that some ear wax is good was also enlightening. EH, Crofton, MD
Our subscription to the Harvard Health Letter was started in 1979. Your holistic approach over the recent years is most refreshing. The Q/A column is good. Because we have benefited from the General Newsletter, my husband and I have additionally subscribed to each - the Men's Health Letter and the Women's Newsletter. I have even given as a gift a year's subscription to the Women's Health Letter. Seldom is there an issue that I do not find pertinent advice and something that changes my thinking on my own personal health. SS Lompoc CA
The Harvard Health Letter has helped me to understand several health issues of concern to myself an to others and has been a useful tool to having better communications with my Doctor (s) with respect to health issues that develop over time as well as the Letter has been useful in helping to guide others toward relevant information related to their needs. I would like to see more information published regarding a more nutritional approach to wellness, although you do publish some. My acquaintances and I are mostly looking for old non-medicinal remedies that have been proven to work over the years. I have known several individuals who have live to be over 100 and used non-traditional remedies in spite of and/or traditional medicines (i.e. a woman who was born with an enlarged heart, expected to live to age 35, lived to 106, and died peacefully in her sleep). Many remedies she shared with me over the years really worked well - wish I had taken better notes, as well as Yoga benefits and how, if done, really do "cure" certain medical issues. Is there anyone on your staff who could address these issues? (I realize the controversy that would be involved, but there are also controversies in traditional medical approaches, but judging from what I have seen over the years, if it works for the individual either way (traditional or Non-traditional) it is certainly worth a try. Thank you for considering my request. I subscribe to Harvard Health, Mental Health, Women's Health and Health and find each one very useful on the particular issues addressed. C.S. Stratford, CT
There have been so many articles that I have found helpful for myself, colleagues and family members. I am forwarding info from your newsletter to people all of the time. The info is very useful and helpful. UD, Pomona, NY
I am so very impressed with the four Harvard Health newsletters that I receive. I receive a couple of others from other institutions, and they're OK, but yours are superior -- perfect language usage (well, except for the couple of times you slipped, using "healthy" instead of "healthful), no typos, clear layout, quiet humor. Thank you! L.A., Binghamton, NY
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