Legume of the month
 Image: © Kateryna_Mostova/Getty Images
Editor's note: This year, we're highlighting legumes on this page. Low in fat but rich in protein and other nutrients, they're a staple of plant-based eating. Starting in February, we'll feature a different legume each month, along with information and recipe tips from different cultures around the world.
But we're starting off with the basics: a simple recipe for cooking dried beans.
How to batch-cook dried beans
In a large pan, put one bag (about a pound) of beans, cover with a few inches of cold water, and soak at room temperature for eight to 12 hours.
Pour off the soaking water, rinse, and add clean water, again covering with a few inches of water.
Bring to a boil, then lower heat to a simmer and cook, partially covered, until the beans are tender. (This may take anywhere from one to two hours, depending on the size and age of the beans.)
Drain and divide your beans. Use some right away in a recipe; save a portion in the refrigerator to use within a few days; and freeze the rest in recipe-sized portions in containers.
Thaw frozen beans in the refrigerator. If you forget to take them out a day before you need them, just defrost them in a microwave or add them directly to a soup and cook until completely warmed through.
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