"Unsticking" sticky thoughts
Here's what to do when certain thoughts interfere with your concentration and activities.
- Reviewed by Anthony L. Komaroff, MD, Editor in Chief, Harvard Health Letter; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing
Some thoughts just won't leave us alone — they play over and over again, like a song you can't get out of your head. While a recurring melody can be annoying, it probably won't pose any problems, especially if you can think of other things. A sticky thought is different. "It causes distress. You can't divert your attention away from it, and it interferes with your day," says Dr. Stephanie Collier, a psychiatrist at Harvard-affiliated McLean Hospital.
Causes and examples
It's normal for people to have sticky thoughts occasionally. If it happens a lot, it could be due to stress or an underlying condition, such as the following.
Generalized anxiety disorder. People with generalized anxiety disorder, a condition marked by excessive worry, can have sticky thoughts about many things, such as an upcoming event, finances, or a future bus or plane ride.
Depression. When you're depressed, which involves having feelings of extreme sadness or hopelessness, you tend to feel bad about yourself. You might have sticky thoughts that you've failed at something or that no one likes or cares about you.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). OCD is characterized by obsessions (intrusive, disturbing thoughts) or compulsions (feelings of pressure to carry out repetitive behaviors, such as hand washing). A classic OCD sticky thought is about germs, and whether you touched something contaminated and need to wash your hands.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD is a cluster of symptoms that can occur after witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event, such as violence or loss of life. One PTSD symptom is a sticky thought that replays the traumatic scene.
Sticky thoughts can hurt us
Sticky thoughts can have many negative effects. They make it hard to concentrate, they can promote shame and fear, and they can damage your self-esteem. "After devoting so much time to them, you start to believe the thoughts," Collier says.
In time, sticky thoughts can lead to social isolation. "Some people don't want to leave home anymore," Collier says. "They might feel convinced no one likes them. Or they might not want to be exposed to something they fear, such as germs."
Getting "unstuck"
When you try to push a sticky thought away, it seems to stick even more. That's because you wind up devoting additional attention to it. Instead, try one of the following tactics.
Examine the evidence. How much of the thought is true? Write out the evidence for it and then write down anything that contradicts it. "If your brain says you're a failure, think of ways you've succeeded. Maybe you're a really great cook, or a really dedicated parent," Collier says. "Fight back."
Distract yourself. It's hard to focus on a sticky thought when you're in the middle of an activity. To break away from the thought, Collier suggests that you change the scenery and go for a walk, or jump into an activity that engages you.
Schedule more activities. If you have too much free time in the day, your brain will have more time to focus on sticky thoughts. Stay busy.
Limit your worry time. "People often worry throughout the day because they don't want to forget things," Collier says. "So choose a time, such as five o'clock, to worry about anything you want for 30 minutes. When a worry comes up before then, remind yourself that you'll get to it later in the day."
Talk to a family member or friend. Sharing your thoughts helps give you perspective and helps fight isolation and loneliness.
Seek help
It's hard to navigate sticky thoughts alone, especially if you have an underlying mental health condition and you're unaware of it. Don't carry the burden by yourself.
If you've been experiencing sticky thoughts for a few weeks, talk to your primary care doctor or make an appointment with a therapist for an evaluation.
Treatment might involve cognitive behavioral therapy. This is a general approach that helps you recognize sticky thoughts and redirect them in ways that are less negative and more manageable.
Other therapies are tailored to specific conditions, such as an OCD therapy that gradually exposes you to things you fear, or a PTSD therapy that aims to change the way the memory of the traumatic experience is stored in the brain. You might also need medication to get sticky thoughts under control.
"With time and practice," Collier says, "you can learn to live with and overcome sticky thoughts. Don't give up."
Image: © AleksandarNakic/Getty Images
About the Author

Heidi Godman, Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter
About the Reviewer

Anthony L. Komaroff, MD, Editor in Chief, Harvard Health Letter; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing
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