In the journals: Study shows that a new type of osteoporosis drug reduces fracture risk

In the journals

Postmenopausal women who've had an osteoporotic fracture are usually advised to take an osteoporosis drug. Almost all such medications are antiresorptive — that is, they work by slowing the breakdown phase (resorption) of normal bone turnover. The most widely prescribed antiresorptives are oral bisphosphonates — alendronate (Fosamax), risedronate (Actonel), and ibandronate (Boniva) — which are taken daily, weekly, or monthly. Bisphosphonates all improve bone mineral density (BMD) and reduce fracture risk, but many women dislike taking them because of side effects, including trouble swallowing, heartburn, and upset stomach. Soon, they may have another option — a new kind of drug taken in a different way.

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