An Introduction to Tai Chi

New online course from Harvard Health Publishing
Introduction to Tai Chi
The secret to a happier, healthier, more vital life!
New online course from Harvard Health Publishing
Introduction to Tai Chi
The secret to a happier, healthier, more vital life!
Step by step, and with the help of more than 100 minutes of video that clearly demonstrate the basics of tai chi — you’ll see exactly how to perform dozens of relaxing tai chi movements and breathing techniques proven to produce tangible health benefits.
You’ve likely heard about tai chi — millions of people have discovered this ancient mind-body exercise based on slow, flowing, and choreographed movements.
But did you know that in one scientific analysis an overwhelming 95 percent of studies of people who regularly practice tai chi showed improvements in their physical and emotional health?
The health experts at Harvard Medical School are proud to announce the creation of Introduction to Tai Chi — an Online Course that shows and tells you how tai chi helps tone and hone your body and helps you attain a variety of health benefits, including...
- Better balance: Studies show older adults who did tai chi one to three times a week were 43% less likely to fall, and they cut their risk of injury in half!
- Pain relief: Tai chi offers significant relief from injuries as well as back, neck, osteoarthritis, and fibromyalgia pain.
- Less stress: Tai chi gives you the tools to help you manage stress and anxiety — even phobias and panic disorders — in a healthier way.
- A sharper mind: Because of the mind-body connection, tai chi helps maintain and may even improve cognitive fitness.
- A stronger heart: Tai chi may reduce your chances of developing heart disease — even if you have risk factors.
- Improved mood: In 82% of studies, tai chi greatly improved mood and lowered anxiety. It’s also an effective treatment for depression.
- Rheumatoid arthritis relief: A pilot study showed that tai chi helped RA sufferers achieve improvements in their symptoms.
- And so much more! It’s no wonder that with so many scientifically backed health benefits, people are now referring to tai chi as “medication in motion.”
Get started today! Enroll in Harvard’s “No Pain, Big Gain” online course now and save 25%
But how exactly does tai chi work? And how does it help you reap its healthy benefits?
Step by step, and with the help of more than 100 minutes of videos that clearly demonstrate the basics of tai chi, Harvard’s Online Course shows you how to confidently perform dozens of relaxing tai chi movements and deep breathing techniques shown to produce health tangible health benefits.
Watch and learn as you discover the “how” and “why” of these tai chi elements that help strengthen your upper body down to your hips, knees and ankles — all while enhancing muscle strength, flexibility and balance.
And you’ll be glad to know that each of the Course’s 20 tai chi exercise videos is expertly narrated by Peter Wayne, Ph.D., a Harvard Medical School researcher and internationally recognized teacher with more than 40 years of tai chi training experience!
Discover the easy-does-it, use-it-anywhere audio-visual course to better health — now at 25% savings!
Best of all, Harvard’s Introduction to Tai Chi Online Course couldn’t be easier to use! It’s overflowing with how-to videos...interactive hints and tips...informative slide shows...and more — all the practical tools you need to help you get the most out of this ancient healing practice.
Don’t put it off... Enroll today!
Harvard’s Introduction to Tai Chi online course is yours for just $29.95 — a savings of $10. And remember, you can watch...pause...and watch again as often as you wish from any device. It never expires!