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Back Pain: Finding solutions for your aching back

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Back Pain: Finding solutions for your aching back

Don’t let back pain ruin your life!
Get it now!

Back pain is one of the most common health problems, affecting four out of five Americans at some point in their lives. Sadly many people will experience back pain throughout their lives as recurrences can often happen. Fortunately there is much you can do to help prevent and relieve back pain starting right now.

For example, in this new report from Harvard Medical School experts you’ll discover:

Why you don’t want to spend too much time in bed after a back injury
Minimally invasive procedures that can reduce surgical risk and get you on your feet in a few days
Why smokers are more likely to develop chronic disabling back pain
Why your ab muscles are so important to your lower back
How to tell if the pain you feel is from a herniated disc
Why back pain seems to strike for “no reason”
The most frequent cause of backaches

And this is only a small fraction of all the important information you’ll find in this amazing new report.

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the $29 cover price

Back Pain: Finding solutions for your aching back has everything you need to get relief, including:

The reason back pain is so common
Anatomy of your back and how it works
Review of symptoms and causes of back pain from sprains and strains to arthritis to spinal stenosis to spondylolisthesis and more
Tests that may (or may not) help diagnose what’s wrong
Tips for choosing the best treatment — and whether you really need surgery
Back pain medications

Plus, order now and get a Special Bonus Section at no extra cost with specific things you can do to ease back pain, such as:

9 back-strengthening exercises you can do at home
8 complementary treatments
5 exercises to ease neck pain
And more

50-Seconds to a Stronger Back!

If you want to reduce routine, muscle-related back pain flare ups ask your doctor about doing this exercise a few times each day. If it's okay, give it a try. Simply lie on your back with both knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Pull both knees toward your chest and hold for 5 to 10 seconds. Return to the starting position. Do this 5 to 10 times. For more exercises that can strengthen your back turn to page 27 of your new report.