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Confronting Adult ADHD

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You Can Overcome the Challenges of Adult ADHD

In Confronting Adult ADHDHarvard doctors share with you the therapies and strategies that give adults greater control over their ADHD symptoms .

You’ll gain an essential understanding of both the obvious and the subtle symptoms of ADHD… its causes and risk factors…and most of all, the treatments that can improve focus, ease frustration, and make life more fulfilling.

New research and scientific evidence give you options

In Confronting Adult ADHD, Harvard doctors provide information on first-line treatments and medications, but you will also receive information on the latest nondrug approaches, for example:

Some of the nondrug treatments discussed in this guide include: 

Cognitive behavioral therapy

One widely used approach in treating adult ADHD is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This type of psychotherapy helps people change negative and unhelpful thought patterns into positive, healthier ways of thinking. With CBT, you get the tools to help deal with stresses and challenges in life. Working on self-esteem is often a very important aspect of ADHD treatment.  


This treatment teaches you how to regulate your brain waves in an effort to enhance brain function and mental well-being. Studies show that inattention can improve after neurofeedback, and these marked improvements were comparable to the best combined effects of medication and therapy.  

Emotional therapy

ADHD can lead to frustration, impatience, and frequent emotional ups and downs that can hamper relationships and everyday activities. Many adults with ADHD also have an anxiety disorder.

Don’t wait!  Download a copy of Confronting Adult ADHD now!

Confronting Adult ADHD

Learn what a difference the new generation of medications and therapies is making for men and women with adult ADHD! In Confronting Adult ADHD, you will discover…

  • why maintianing focus is so difficult and how to improve it
  • a distraction-preventing tool that fits in your pocket
  • four hyperactivity behaviors most common in adults
  • three conditions that can bring on symptoms similar to ADHD
  • five lifestyle changes that can help manage symptoms
  • common myths about the causes of ADHD