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Dental Health for Adults

Let them see you smile!

Give your teeth and gums the care they need to stay—and look—their best!

This Guide from Harvard Medical School will show you how you can enjoy a lifetime of rewarding and renewed dental health!   

Sure we brush—most of the time. We even floss—when we remember. But after a brief glance in the mirror in the morning, we rarely think about our teeth or our gums much more—until something goes wrong.

This instructive guide is designed to help adults prevent tooth and gum problems… address a problem effectively if and when it occurs…  and assure that every glance in the mirror continues to make you smile.

Take a “healthy bite” out of dental disease and dangers!

We expect our teeth to be there for every meal…for everything we eat and drink…from the sweet and sticky to the chewy and crunchy. For all your teeth face, they can stay sound and strong—with vigilant and timely care.

In this downloadable guide, Harvard researchers share proven strategies and practical advances in oral care. You’ll see how to get the most out of at-home dental care. And you’ll be briefed on the techniques and tools that enable dentists to do so much more to preserve teeth and protect gums.

You’ll read about treatments to reverse early tooth decay. You’ll discover ways to strengthen your defenses against weakened gums. You’ll find the best ways to replace damaged or missing teeth  And you’ll see how break-throughs in cosmetic dentistry are restoring appearance and self-assurance. 
The kind of honest guidance you can sink your teeth into!

Written for health-conscious men and women, Dental Health for Adults brings you meticulously-sourced information and recommendations. You will appreciate the report’s frank assessments, its authoritative clarity, and most important, its healthful and helpful direction.  You’ll meet…

… protection-boosting steps and trouble-halting strategies! You’ll dis-cover the right way to brush (Yes, there is one.  And one for flossing too.) You’ll learn about a home-treatment to strengthen tooth enamel…a new laser-assisted office procedure to address periodontitis…six foods great for gum health…and the essential screening your dentist should perform.

…replacement procedures with results you’ll want to see!  This Guide looks at the leading solutions for missing teeth.You’ll read about a one-stage implant procedure. You’ll be briefed on caps and crowns.   You’ll know when to consider dentures and when a bridge is the best road to take.

…techniques that can give your teeth new shape and sparkle!  You’ll read of advances to straighten, whiten, and even fill gaps. You’ll find the best choice in veneers…one whitening product to avoid…how plastic aligners compare with braces…and a painless procedure to correct tooth spacing.  

Don’t wait! Order your copy Dental Health for Adults now!

Dental Health for Adults

In Dental Health for Adults, you’ll discover…

  • three steps that can extinguish the inflammation of gingivitis!
  • how—and when—a root canal treatment should be done
  • will implants work for you?  The quick guide to help you decide
  • the “remedy” that can worsen thesymptoms of grinding your teeth
  • why it’s safer to leave a “silver filling”  than to remove it
  • the one thing you should look for on your toothpaste’s label
  • the bonding experience—hiding a stubborn stain in just 60 minutes