Living with an Autoimmune Disease_TEST

A hands-on manual for overcoming the challenges of an autoimmune disease.
Discover the nine steps for smarter management of RA, lupus, type 1 diabetes, IBD, Graves’ disease, MS, psoriasis and more!
The good news is you don’t have to let an autoimmune disease define or confine you. You can live life more fully, more actively, and with greater self-assurance. Specific actions can make a measurable difference in reducing symptoms, preventing flare-ups, and maintaining better health.
Autoimmune disease encompasses a wide range of diseases from psoriasis’ visible effects on the skin to IBD’s hidden toll on the intestinal tract...from the nerve damage of lupus to the joint stiffness of RA. They may seem to have little in common, but they share features that make living with them similar.
In this Harvard Medical School Guide, you’ll learn how you can lessen the disruptive effects of eight common autoimmune diseases. You’ll be introduced to nine strategies to ease symptoms and keep your condition under the best control possible.
You can take heart and take control!
An autoimmune disease doesn’t go away. But it doesn’t have to have its way with you. With proven strategies and practical steps, you can limit its intrusion and minimize its interference in your daily life and plans.
With this empowering and uplifting guide, you’ll cope with confidence. You’ll be ready to participate proactively in managing your care. And you’ll adopt key lifestyle strategies that will fortify your physical and mental well-being.
You’ll find assuring guidance — and welcome peace-of-mind!
Prepared by the doctors of Harvard Medical School, Living with Autoimmune Disease brings you meticulously-sourced information and recommendations. You will appreciate the report’s attentive insight, its authoritative clarity, and most important, its useful direction. You will discover... to get the most from your medical care! You’ll find how to work with your health care providers to most effectively manage your condition. You’ll learn how to stay updated on research... have input into your medications and vaccinations...coordinate on proposed treatment plans...and more.
...the best ways to do yourself good — every day! The Report looks at diets with clear health benefits and at targeted supplements. You’ll meet the best exercises for people with joint or muscle pain. You’ll find insightful help for getting a good night’s rest...and six techniques for managing stress.
...and much more! You’ll learn how to find understanding and trusted support. You’ll read of emerging and established treatments for each disease. You’ll find recommendations for symptom to ease daily function...and ways to avoid many common triggers of flare-ups.
Don’t wait! Order your copy of the Harvard Medical School Guide now!