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Managing Atrial Fibrillation

Don’t Let Atrial Fibrillation Slow You Down. 

Take Action to Maintain Your Active Life. Here’s how…

It can be easy to ignore feeling fatigued, being short of breath, or having your heart race from time to time. But you shouldn’t. These symptoms may point to a common – and potentially dangerous condition -- called atrial fibrillation, or afib for short. 

Afib causes your heart to beat irregularly and often rapidly. Because your heart isn’t working efficiently, blood clots can form and travel to your brain causing a debilitating or deadly stroke. 

But the good news is… many successful treatments exist to control your symptoms, minimize your risk of stroke, improve your quality of life, and ease your worries about living with afib! 

In Harvard Medical School’s online guide, Managing Atrial Fibrillation, our experts and specialists give you a detailed resource to understanding the causes, symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment of afib. 

You'll discover...

  • The side effects of medications to control your heartbeat. Who should take them… and who should not. 
  • The 8 tips for a heart healthy lifestyle. Include what can trigger afib symptoms and how to avoid them.
  • And more! 

Read This Guide RISK-FREE with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

Managing Atrial Fibrillation is packed with the information you need to successfully partner with your doctor to get your afib under control—all in one convenient guide. 

Download your online guide now and start discovering how you can beat afib… starting today!