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Meditation for Your Health

Get Harvard Medical School’s Expert Meditation Guide Today!

The best part about this guide is how quickly you can start enjoying the health benefits of meditation! It all starts with knowing how to meditate the RIGHT WAY!

Meditation is so beneficial to your health... we simply must show you how to get started right now...

FIRST, remember this: The goal of meditation is to elicit what Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard Medical School coined the “relaxation response.” Learning how to elicit the relaxation response is the key to meditating effectively.

You'll discover:

  • Some of the many different approaches to the practice... We break down the approaches to meditation into four main types: focused attention, open monitoring, loving-kindness, and movement-based practices so you can pick the one that works for you!
  • How meditation activates various parts of the brain... If you’re feeling extra stressed these days... pay close attention! When you meditate, you turn down your sympathetic nervous system (responsible for that stress feeling) and turns up your parasympathetic nervous system (the system that quiets your body and returns your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing to normal)!
  • And so much more!

It’s straightforward and it becomes easier with time and repetition, even if you’ve struggled to calm your mind during past excursions into the practice.

Eliciting the relaxation response involves just two steps:

Step 1: Choose a calming focus.
You might pick a sound (“om”), a word (“peace”), a short prayer, or a simple phrase (“I am calm”). Repeat this sound or word out loud or silently as you breathe in deeply and breathe out.

Step 2: Let go and relax.
Even when your instinct is to pull back, give in to the calm. Keep focusing on your word or sound. Whenever your mind wanders, simply take a deep breath and gently return your attention to your focus.

That’s all you need to do to get started!

Now you’re ready to dive deeper into this wonderful healing practice!

Meditation for Your Health

Meditation for Your Health connects this traditional practice with modern science! In this guide, you’ll discover:

  • A brief history of meditation... including how this 7,000-year-old practice gained the attention of the medical establishment... and is now practiced by the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine!
  • What meditation can do for you... Studies have shown meditation is helpful not only for relieving stress and anxiety... but also for preventing and managing a range of medical conditions, from cancer to high blood pressure! You’ll be amazed to read about all the ways meditation can help you feel better!
  • Why meditation is used to manage or treat disease... That’s right! Meditation is considered part of complementary and integrative medicine... and is used by top hospitals like the Massachusetts General Hospital to treat patients.