The Diet Review_Test

The Diet Review: 39 popular nutrition and weight-loss plans and the science (or lack of science) behind them
Harvard’s special report reveals the surprising truths about today’s most popular diets.
“Eat, this, not that.”
“Yes, it’s healthy.”
“No, it’s not healthy.”
“Eat more protein, less carbs.”
“Eat more carbs, less protein.”
Let’s face it... there’s conflicting information everywhere you turn, along with an endless stream of overblown claims. And the science is constantly evolving. To complicate matters, there is an endless stream of advertisements and testimonials as well as very persuasive and savvy social media influencers who get paid to promote the plans.
Every week it seems like there’s a new fad diet whether you want to lose weight, tame inflammation, prevent heart attack, stroke, or cognitive decline, or just get healthier. It’s almost impossible to know what to believe or which plan will really work.
Now the great news…
You can clear the confusion and choose a weight loss plan without losing your mind.
The Diet Review from Harvard Medical School makes it simple. Comprehensive and easy to read, this special report gives you the truth about nearly 40 of today’s most popular diets. For example...
- When scientists compared four best-selling weight loss plans, they discovered some participants ended up heavier than when they started. Which four plans did they study? Page 12
- The diet for people who suffer from IBS gives real symptom relief in 68% to 76% of patients. Page 46
- The surprising fact about the wildly popular South Beach Diet that’ll leave you speechless. Page 51
- One diet which can easily leave you with a B12 deficiency. Page 25
- When it comes to the popular Ketogenic Diet, you can lose weight short-term, but you may be shocked to learn about success long-term. (What’s more, you could lose more muscle on this plan!) Pages 17-18
- Wildly successful, the Atkins diet is still going strong, but research has shown it’s less balanced than other low-carb plans. Plus, it can come with unpleasant side effects. Pages 15-16
- Studies show if you make this “fat switch,” you can lower the risk of heart disease. Page 13
- Diets that are both low carbohydrate and low fat reduce the risk of dying early by 27%. There’s one caveat... Page 14
The truth is...there’s not just one way to eat for good health or to lose weight. You have lots of options.
And The Diet Review is the best way to pick a plan that will work for you.
Inside this special report you’ll discover the most essential insights and information you need—whichever weight loss or nutrition plan you choose.
With every weight loss and nutrition plan in The Diet Review, Harvard nutritionists share the good and the bad…how the diet works...which foods you can and can’t eat...whether there’s scientific evidence to support the claims…and much more.
PLUS, you’ll discover a wealth of must-know tips, tricks, and insights including:
- What you can and can’t eat on a gluten-free diet—and which sneaky foods contain hidden gluten. Page 45
- Keto dieters: the best test to use to see if your body is in a state of ketosis. Page 18
- DASH Diet: does the newer version work better than the older version? Answer may surprise you. Page 41
- Alkaline Diet and the TRUTH about acidic foods and PH levels in your body when it comes to cancer and osteoporosis. Page 44
- Does the controversial Paleo Diet heal celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis? If you were led to believe it does, read this right away. Page 22
INSIDE this special report, The Diet Review...
- Which weight loss plan may make you hungry faster. Page 48
- Shocker: many anti-inflammatory diets touted in books and online are not grounded in science. Page 39
- Does the Carnivore Diet really cure depression? Evidence says... Page 19