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Fighting Inflammation

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Fight Health-Robbing


with 7 Simple Steps

Science has proven that chronic, low-grade inflammation can turn into a silent killer that contributes to cardiovas­cular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and other conditions. 

The fact that three out of five people around the world die from a disease linked to inflammation raises serious red flags.

Thankfully, there is plenty you can do to fight back.

The experts at the renowned Harvard Medical School have just published Fighting Inflammation—the Special Health Report that clearly exposes the threat that chronic inflammation poses to your health and well-being and reveals the medical and lifestyle steps you can take to protect yourself.  

Give us the word, we’ll send you a copy of Fighting Inflammation, which reveal the highly effective, evidence-based strategies you can use to dampen low-grade inflammation BEFORE it has a chance to compromise your health.

Step #1: Eat to beat inflammation. Harvard experts warn that many “anti-inflammatory diets” are not grounded in science.  In this Special Report, you’ll discover the three best diet choices—plus essential food “do’s and don’ts” to help suppress inflammation levels. 

Step #2: Get moving! Fighting Inflammation reveals how much aerobic exercise (surprisingly little!)it takes to lower inflammation levels—and how too much exercise may actually provoke an inflammatory response. 

Step #3: Manage your weight. Discover the simple strategies to help you zero in on reducing abdominal fat—the kind that produces pro-inflammatory chemicals. For example, you’ll learn surprising no-pain secrets to help reduce sugar in your diet. 

Step #4: Get enough sleep. Inadequate sleep not only robs you of energy and productivity it also elevates inflammation—which is especially hazardous to heart health. Fighting Inflammation reveals 4 simple steps to help you get a healthier and more refreshing night’s sleep!

Step #5: Stop smoking. Kicking the habit can result in a dramatic reduction in inflammation levels within just a few weeks, experts say. Even if you’ve tried to quit before, the steps revealed in this Special Report can help you succeed!

Step #6: Limit alcohol use. When it comes to inflammation, alcohol can be either your friend or foe. Find out in this Special Report why a little alcohol may be helpful and how much is over the line for keeping inflammation in check.

Step #7: Conquer chronic stress. Chronic stress can spark the development of inflammation and cause flare-ups of problems like rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, depression and inflammatory bowel disease. Fighting Inflammation reveals 10 powerful ways to help lower unhealthy stress. 

Whether you’re aiming to prevent cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, or other conditions connected to chronic inflammation, the sooner you incorporate these seven steps into your life, the better!

So don’t wait. Order your digital or print copy of Fighting Inflammation now and save 30% of the cover price!

Discover the highly effective ways to ways to tame inflammation and help:

  • Treat asthma and allergies 
  • Treat autoimmune diseases—IBD, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and psoriasis 
  • Protect your heart
  • Protect your brain from dementia, depression & stroke
  • Combat inflammation in metabolic diseases
  • Fight against cancer
  • SPECIAL SECTION: Lifestyle changes to combat chronic inflammation