Dragging your feet? You may need to catch up on sleep
In the journals
Another reason to get plenty of rest? It could help you walk better. In a recent study, researchers asked young adults to wear activity trackers for 14 days. This provided information on the participants' daily movements, including how long they slept. They averaged six hours of sleep per night, although some had more erratic sleeping patterns and slept less during the week and more on the weekend.
Everyone then did a treadmill test where they walked at a constant speed to the beat of a metronome. The tempo was randomly increased and decreased to measure the students' reaction time by how long it took them to re-establish their walking rhythm. People who consistently slept at least six hours performed the best. Still, those who caught up on their sleep on the weekends did almost as well. This suggests that not only does sufficient sleep help your gait, but getting extra rest when you need it can help you avoid walking problems.
Although the study focused on younger people, the researchers added that the results could be similar for older adults. The study was published online Oct. 26, 2021, by Scientific Reports.
Image: Suwanb/Getty Images
About the Author

Matthew Solan, Executive Editor, Harvard Men's Health Watch
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