Early smokers may smoke for longer
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If you tried smoking at a young age, your chances of being an adult smoker go up, says a study published in April 2020 in the Journal of the American Heart Association.
The study authors looked at data from more than 6,500 children and adolescents between the ages of six and 19 who were then followed into their 40s. Study authors found that the earlier people tried smoking, the more likely they were to have a daily habit as they aged. For example, of the people who first tried smoking between the ages of 6 and 12, 50% were daily smokers by the time they reached their 20s, compared with 8% of people who started smoking at 18 or 19.
The study authors say that these findings illustrate the importance of smoking prevention in kids.
Image: Miljan Zivkovic/Getty ImagesÂ
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