"Light" meals linked to overeating
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Sticking to reasonable portion sizes is an important way to control your weight. But it's easy to trick yourself into thinking it's okay to take a few extra bites. An example comes from a study published online Jan. 15, 2022, by the journal Appetite. Scientists gave 37 people identical servings of pasta salad on two different occasions. On one occasion, the meal was labeled "light"; on another, it was labeled "filling." People eating the "light" meal ate a little more (and said they felt less full) than people eating the "filling" meal. Study authors say the findings indicate that expectations about how full you'll feel after eating can influence your actual food intake, and that you should use caution if you're buying foods marketed as "light" to lose weight.
Image: © margouillatphotos/Getty Images
About the Author

Heidi Godman, Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter
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