Taking blood pressure medication at bedtime instead of the morning can reap greater health benefits
In the journals
People with high blood pressure may benefit from taking their antihypertension medication at bedtime instead of the morning, according to a study published online Oct. 22, 2019, by the European Heart Journal.
The researchers looked at about 19,000 people (most of them men) who took blood pressure medication. Participants took their daily dose either upon waking or before going to bed. Everyone's blood pressure was checked over 48 hours once a year for six years.
After adjusting for age and health issues, like smoking and cholesterol, the researchers found that during the follow-up, people who took their medication at bedtime were 34% less likely to suffer a heart attack compared with those who took the drug in the morning.
In addition, they were 42% less likely to develop heart failure, 49% less likely to have a stroke, and 56% less likely to die from heart problems.
Earlier research suggests that elevated blood pressure during sleep may impair cardiovascular health more than daytime high blood pressure. That may explain why bedtime dosing could be helpful.
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