Why am I prone to skin tags?
Ask the doctor
Q. I've had a couple of skin tags over the years, but lately several have popped up. Why?
A. These fleshy, soft growths — which are more common among women — are unquestionably annoying. They can sprout almost anywhere on the skin, but skin tags tend to develop on the neck, under the arms, or around the groin.
While skin tags can be unattractive, the good news is that they're benign and won't develop into cancer. But they're linked with several health conditions that aren't harmless, which is why you should be concerned if you're developing more of them. These include diabetes or metabolic syndrome (a constellation of high blood pressure, unhealthy blood sugar levels, extra fat around your waist, and unhealthy cholesterol levels). Skin tags are also more common if you're pregnant or obese, or if you have family members who also develop them.
Your doctor may want to run blood tests if you're getting a lot of skin tags with no explanation. If you'd like, she can also remove them using various in-office techniques.
Image: © Tetiana Mandziuk/Getty Images
About the Author

Toni Golen, MD, Editor in Chief, Harvard Women's Health Watch; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing; Contributor
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