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Let's not call it cancer
Chair exercises for seniors: Boosting strength, flexibility, and stamina
Why all the buzz about inflammation — and just how bad is it?
Anxiety Archive
Always worried about your health? You may be dealing with health anxiety disorder
Health anxiety can interfere with your life, but it's highly treatable.
Image: © XiXinXing/Getty Images
You spend hours on the Internet researching health information. When you get a scratchy throat you automatically think cancer — not a cold. And even when medical tests come back showing that you're healthy, it doesn't make you feel better. In the back of your mind you still feel like something is wrong.
If this sounds like you or a loved one, it may be health anxiety.
Older adults and medical marijuana: Reduced stigma and increased use
Cannabis use among older adults has been steadily increasing, due to lessening stigma and increased interest in using medical marijuana. But there are specific concerns for older people, so anyone considering this option should have a conversation with their doctor weighing the benefits and risks.
What works best for treating depression and anxiety in dementia?
There is evidence that antidepressants are not effective in older people with dementia. Emerging research suggests that nondrug, psychosocial interventions are the most effective treatments for depression or anxiety in older adults with cognitive impairment.
How noise pollution may harm the heart
Research we're watching
Long-term exposure to traffic noise has been linked to a greater risk of heart disease. New research reveals additional clues about this connection.
Researchers studied nearly 500 adults over a five-year period and gathered traffic and aircraft noise data for each person's home address. After adjusting for other factors that contribute to cardiovascular risk (including air pollution), they found that every 5-decibel increase in the average 24-hour noise level was associated with a 34% increase in heart attacks, strokes, and other serious heart-related problems.
Sexual and gender minorities face unique health risks
Memory problems and confusion are just the newest in a list of health problems that appear to disproportionately affect LGBT individuals.
Past research has shown that sexual and gender minority groups may be at higher risk for certain health conditions, including cardiovascular disease and mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression. A new study suggests that another condition — dementia — may also be on that list. Findings presented at the 2019 Alzheimer's Association International Conference showed that people who identified as a sexual or gender minority were more likely than other people to report worsening memory or increased confusion over the past year.
It's possible that some of the same underlying factors that affect risk of other diseases are playing a role in these reported cognitive changes as well, says Dr. Ole-Petter R. Hamnvik, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. "Almost any health outcome that you look at, you can find disparities in these groups. It's not just dementia," he says.
Know the facts about CBD products
The extract from the cannabis plant is the hot new treatment for all kinds of ailments, but don't buy into it just yet.
Cannabidiol (CBD), extracted from the cannabis or hemp plant, has been promoted as the latest miracle cure for everything from aches and pains to anxiety and sleep disorders. There is a good chance you've heard a friend share his or her story about the wonders of CBD.
But is it miraculous — or just a mirage?
"CBD is being used over the counter in a range of ways that is not supported by the science," says Dr. Jordan Tishler, instructor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and president of the Association of Cannabis Specialists. "There is still much we don't know. But aggressive marketing, hype, and word of mouth have made CBD like a drug version of the emperor's new clothes. Everyone says it works, but lab studies suggest that it's really not what people think."
Explaining high blood pressure
Ask the doctor
Q. What causes high blood pressure?
A. My answer is going to start in your back yard; stay with me. You're holding a hose, you turn on the water, and it shoots through the hose and out the nozzle. The water is moving because it's under pressure. Similarly, when your heart beats it creates pressure that enables your blood to "water" your body with the nutrients that are in your blood.
Three things affect the amount of pressure that pushes blood through your body: how forcefully the heart pumps, how much blood there is, and how narrow the smallest blood vessels are. That last one may need some explanation. When you're watering plants, and you want the stream of water to go farther, what do you do? You make the nozzle smaller. Narrowing the opening through which the water flows increases the pressure, and the water then is able to reach the distant flowerbed.
Recent Articles
What could be causing your itchy scalp?
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Got a hangnail? Here's what to do
Winter hiking: Magical or miserable?
Sciatica: Gentle stretches to help relieve pain and improve mobility
Thinking about becoming a pescatarian? What you should know about the pescatarian diet
Let's not call it cancer
Chair exercises for seniors: Boosting strength, flexibility, and stamina
Why all the buzz about inflammation — and just how bad is it?
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