Dragon fruit: How to enjoy this antioxidant-rich fruit

Are you getting health care you don't need?

Could you benefit from wearing compression socks?

A low-tech school vacation: Keeping kids busy and happy without screens

Mold in the home: Identifying and treating the issue to prevent health problems

Effective, practical strategies for coping with urinary incontinence

Scalp psoriasis: What to know about this uncomfortable inflammatory skin condition

Measles is making a comeback: Can we stop it?

Should you be sleepmaxxing to boost health and happiness?

Need a root canal? Here's what to expect
Caregiving Archive
Supporting a loved one with prostate cancer: A guide for caregivers
Looking after a loved one who has prostate cancer can be overwhelming. Caregivers play crucial roles in supporting a patient's physical and psychological well-being. But what does that entail? Here's what to know about effective communication, day-to-day support, and taking care of yourself.
Taking an aging parent to the doctor? 10 helpful tips
When you take an aging parent to a medical appointment, you wind up playing many roles. Millions of people in the US are caring for family members and are learning as they go along, so they can benefit from tips to keep them on track before, during, and after the appointment.
Caring for an aging parent? Tips for enjoying holiday meals
When you are a caregiver for an aging parent, the joy of gathering for holiday meals can be overshadowed by stress. Planning in advance for things like the day's schedule, timing of the meal, what food your parent can or will eat, and making sure medications are taken will help children and parents enjoy the meal with as little stress as possible.
Caregiver nation: New tools to manage a family member's health as well as your own
There are all kinds of free educational opportunities designed to help family caregivers jump into their roles and better manage their own health. Family caregiver education is available in classes or workshops you attend in person. The Internet offers how-to articles, videos, podcasts, books, and guides for caregivers. Topics range from the basics of caregiving to the more nuanced challenges, such as communicating with a person with dementia. Many classes focus on how to cope as a caregiver and maintain one's health and wellness.
Tackling the top stressors for dementia caregivers
Caring for a person with dementia is physically, emotionally, logistically, and financially demanding. Caregivers can benefit from numerous services, such as caregiver support groups; respite care; and dementia care navigators, such as the local Area Agency on Aging (which can provide a long list of resources) or a local hospital dementia care program. It can also help to speak to doctors about consolidating appointments for the person with dementia and to reach out to family and friends to ask for assistance.
Caregiving crisis
Nearly three-quarters of caregivers are 50 or older, and more than 75% are women. Research has linked caregiving to many physical and mental effects, including depression, anxiety, pain, and heart disease. Many caregivers don't attend to their own health and may avoid or skip medical appointments. To address these burdens, caregivers can look into respite care, call their local Agency on Aging, ask for help from friends, and schedule telehealth visits with doctors or therapists.
Self-care for the caregiver
The challenges of caregiving can easily lead to burnout, so it's extremely important for caregivers to pay attention to their own needs and make sure they are caring for themselves, physically and emotionally.

Dragon fruit: How to enjoy this antioxidant-rich fruit

Are you getting health care you don't need?

Could you benefit from wearing compression socks?

A low-tech school vacation: Keeping kids busy and happy without screens

Mold in the home: Identifying and treating the issue to prevent health problems

Effective, practical strategies for coping with urinary incontinence

Scalp psoriasis: What to know about this uncomfortable inflammatory skin condition

Measles is making a comeback: Can we stop it?

Should you be sleepmaxxing to boost health and happiness?

Need a root canal? Here's what to expect
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