Dental Health Archive


How can I stop grinding my teeth when I'm asleep?

Teeth-grinding during sleep is common. People with the habit may wake up with sore teeth, headache, or earache. Over time, it can lead to broken teeth or jaw pain and clicking. A dentist can create a fitted mouth guard or prescribe muscle relaxants.

Braces aren't just for teens

Many people get braces later in life. This helps ward off problems caused by crooked teeth or a misaligned bite, such as malnutrition, increased risks for cavities and gum disease, and some chronic illnesses. Getting braces can also create space for implants to replace missing teeth. There are two main types of braces. One consists of a row of tiny brackets glued onto the teeth, and a wire that runs through the brackets. The other type of braces consists of a series of aligners—thin, clear plastic molds that are worn on top of the teeth 22 hours per day.

Tooth loss associated with cognitive impairment, dementia

A review published Oct. 22, 2021, in JAMDA: The Journal of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine found that people with more tooth loss had, on average, a 48% greater risk for developing cognitive impairment, compared with people who had less tooth loss.

Back to the doctor

People who’ve skipped medical check-ups for a while should visit their primary care doctor, dental hygienist, and eye doctor. A primary care doctor will consider a person’s blood pressure, medications, weight, alcohol intake, gait, balance, memory, hearing, mood, and levels of physical activity and socialization. To prepare for the visit, one should write down questions for the doctor and bring a list of all medications. At the appointment, one should take notes and ask any questions needed to understand the doctor’s instructions.

Tooth loss truth: It's no longer about the tooth fairy

Older Americans are keeping their teeth longer, but the prevalence of tooth loss is higher among people with chronic disease or overall worse health. However, loss of a tooth can also result from tooth decay, periodontal infection, or accidental trauma. Aside from accidents, most people should be able to prevent tooth loss by following good oral care habits.

Making visits to the dentist easier for people with autism spectrum disorder

Proper dental care is essential for all children, including learning how to brush and going for regular dental visits. But for children with autism spectrum disorder, the sensory aspects of a dental office may be uncomfortable, difficult, or overwhelming. But there are things parents can do to make these visits easier.

6 all-natural sex tips for men

Erectile dysfunction (ED) medications are relatively safe and work for most men, but they aren’t right for every man. Here are six proven strategies that can help –– and offer added benefits on overall health and quality of life.

Good for your teeth, bad for your bones?

Could an ingredient in toothpaste be harmful to your bones? Triclosan, an antibacterial agent, has been banned from soaps and hand sanitizers by the FDA, and researchers have found that women with the highest levels of triclosan in their urine had low bone density measurements.

Drills, needles, and pain, oh my! Coping with dental anxiety

Does the mere thought of going to the dentist make you anxious? You aren’t alone, but avoiding dental care appointments can lead to other health problems besides dental pain. But there are steps you can take to relieve that anxiety.

The 6 don’ts of caring for your child’s teeth

Tooth decay is linked to a higher risk of many health problems in adulthood, but often families don’t put enough emphasis on proper and consistent dental care. Avoiding these mistakes can help your children get the right start on their oral health.

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