Diseases & Conditions Archive


Is fibromyalgia real?

Ask the doctors

Q. My friend was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but it seems like she might be imagining her symptoms. Is fibromyalgia a real condition?

A. The short answer to your question is yes. Fibromyalgia is a real condition that affects some four million Americans. It's a chronic pain syndrome that experts believe may be caused by a malfunctioning nervous system. Researchers using magnetic resonance imaging to examine the brains of people with fibromyalgia have found abnormalities in the part of the brain that processes pain signals from the body. It appears that this part of the brain is essentially boosting the intensity of normal pain signals, potentially causing the body to feel pain without a physical cause.

On call: What causes shaky hands?

Q . I've started to notice a slight shakiness in my writing hand. Is this just normal aging or should I get my shaky hands checked out?

A. If the shakiness is sudden or recent, you should talk to a doctor. It may be nothing serious—for example, just a reversible side effect from a medication or from too much caffeine. However, tremors could be an early sign of a more serious condition, like Parkinson's disease. In that case, you could benefit from early diagnosis and starting treatment.

Defend yourself from diverticulitis

Adequate fiber can protect against this painful colon condition.

Image: Shidlovski/Getty Images

About half of Americans ages 60 to 80 have diverticulosis, a condition in which pea-sized pouches, called diverticula, bulge outward from the colon. After age 80, almost everyone has it.

Most of the time the pouches don't cause any problems, but if the diverticula become inflamed or infected, the result is diverticulitis, which produces symptoms like fever, nausea, vomiting, and pain or tenderness in the lower abdomen. It's unclear why this happens, but it's generally thought that the pouches become infected after stool or bacteria get caught in them.

How do you avoid kidney stone attacks?

On call

Q. I want to avoid another kidney stone attack. What's your advice about diet, coffee, tea, and alcohol?

A. The foods you eat and the amount of fluid you drink can contribute to some types of kidney stones. Certainly, you can help prevent recurrent kidney stones by paying attention to your fluid and food intake.

Should I get a COVID-19 antibody test?

Ask the doctor

Q. Should I get a test for COVID-19 antibodies, even though I've never had any symptoms and I don't think I've had the virus?

A. A blood test for COVID-19 antibodies tells you if you have been infected in the past; it does not accurately tell you if you are currently infected. You can get an antibody test through your doctor, or possibly through a testing center set up by your state or city.

Should adult kids get a COVID-19 test before a visit home?

Ask the doctor

Q. Should I make my kids get tested for COVID-19 before they come to visit me?

A. As we go to press, in most communities in the United States and Europe, the virus still is widespread — particularly among young adults. Many young adults who become infected do not develop symptoms, and therefore may not suspect they are infected. Worse, they may be shedding the virus and able to infect others. Older people are more vulnerable to becoming severely ill from the virus than young adults (although some young adults and even children can become very ill). So if my kids had symptoms that might indicate they had COVID-19, I'd ask them not to come. If they had no symptoms but were living in a "hot spot," I'd ask them to get tested before they traveled — and not to visit if they tested positive. I would hate not to see the kids, but it's a sacrifice we have to make until we control the virus.

Tai chi: Promising for COPD

Tai chi — a gentle, flowing form of exercise practiced widely in China — has gained popularity in the United States in recent years, spurred in part by growing evidence for its health benefits. Since the late 1950s, hundreds of studies have suggested that tai chi may benefit people with a wide range of medical conditions, including COPD.

Tai chi combines sequences of slow, flowing upper- and lower-body movements with breath awareness and a variety of thinking skills that include focused attention and imagery. While classic tai chi is done standing, a modified version can be done sitting, so it's highly adaptable and therefore ideal for people with different fitness levels. All of the arm movements, and to some extent the leg movements, can be practiced while sitting in a sturdy chair. For example, you can extend your legs, move them from side to side, or lift them, even when you're sitting.

Over-the-counter antacids for heartburn

The following over-the-counter remedies for heartburn neutralize digestive acids in the stomach and esophagus and work well for people with mild, occasional symptoms. While many people find tablets more convenient, liquids can provide faster relief.

Magnesium-based antacids. These products, such as Maalox and Mylanta, are popular because they are fast-acting. One possible drawback of magnesium-containing antacids is that they can cause diarrhea.

5 action steps for quitting an addiction

Because change is so difficult, it's useful to have a guide when attempting to kick an addiction to drugs, alcohol or behavior. Research shows that the following steps can help you move toward your recovery goals. You have the greatest chance of success if you adopt all five steps.

1. Set a quit date. It might be helpful to choose a meaningful date like a special event, birthday, or anniversary.

What are the long-lasting effects of COVID-19?

Ask the doctor

Q. I read that the death rate from COVID-19 is going down, but that people who recover from the infection still can remain sick for a long time. Is that true?

A. It is true, but we don't yet know how big the problem is: COVID-19 has been with us for only a year, and there hasn't been enough time to know the long-term effects.

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