Measles is making a comeback: Can we stop it?

Should you be sleepmaxxing to boost health and happiness?

Need a root canal? Here's what to expect

Savoring the benefits of bone broth: Worth a taste?

Gingivitis: Reversing and preventing early gum disease

Supporting a loved one with prostate cancer: A guide for caregivers

Anaplasmosis: Another tick-borne illness, another reason to protect yourself against ticks

Bird flu: Where we are now and what to know about prevention

Low-carb snacks: Easy and healthy options for any time of day

5 simple ways to improve gut health
Healthy Eating Archive
Cutting sodium significantly lowers blood pressure
When participants in a 2023 study ate a low-sodium diet for one week, the vast majority experienced an average 8-point drop in their systolic blood pressure compared to when they ate a high-salt diet for one week.
Mindfulness may help people stick to a heart-healthy diet
A 2023 study found that a mindfulness training program that improves self-awareness may help people with high blood pressure follow a heart-healthy diet.
The portfolio diet: A smart investment for your heart
The portfolio diet, which emphasizes foods rich in fiber and healthy fats, helps lower LDL cholesterol. A 2023 study suggests that the more closely people follow the diet, the lower their risk of cardiovascular disease. The diet discourages foods from animal sources and features foods from five main categories, including (1) plant protein such as legumes; (2) nuts and seeds; (3) foods rich in viscous fibers such as oatmeal, eggplant, and berries; (4) plant sterols such as phytosterol-enriched margarine; and (5) monounsaturated fats such as olive and canola oils.
Reducing sodium can help most people lower their blood pressure
A significant reduction in salt intake may directly lower blood pressure in even more people than previously believed.
Red meat may raise diabetes risk
A 2023 study suggests that eating more red meat—about a one additional serving each day—is linked to a higher risk of developing diabetes than those who eat less.
Will eating red meat bring on diabetes?
In a 2023 Harvard Medical School study of more than 216,000 people (followed for up to 36 years), those who reported eating the most red meat had a 62% higher risk of developing diabetes, compared with those who reported eating the least red meat each week.
7 things your personal trainer wants you to know
It takes more than a weekly session with a personal trainer to maximize exercise benefits. Personal trainers recommend that people exercise in between training sessions; do strength training at the beginning of a workout; alternate the muscle groups that get a workout; challenge each muscle group with a variety of exercises; stretch regularly; eat a healthy diet to fuel the body; and exercise purposefully, with a strategic approach that moves them closer to their exercise goals.
What can I do about my "beer belly"?
Excessive beer drinking may play a role in men's experiencing expanding girth known as a "beer belly." However, most experts believe the two primary reasons are eating too many simple carbohydrates and getting less daily exercise.
Time for your annual health review
The start of a new year is always a great opportunity for people to re-engage with their health. One of the first steps is to conduct a personal health review. It's a way to measure where a person's health stands now, outline the goals, and create a strategy to reach them. A personal health review follows a three-step process: gathering all current health information, listing short- and long-term goals, and sharing everything with a doctor during a scheduled wellness visit.

Measles is making a comeback: Can we stop it?

Should you be sleepmaxxing to boost health and happiness?

Need a root canal? Here's what to expect

Savoring the benefits of bone broth: Worth a taste?

Gingivitis: Reversing and preventing early gum disease

Supporting a loved one with prostate cancer: A guide for caregivers

Anaplasmosis: Another tick-borne illness, another reason to protect yourself against ticks

Bird flu: Where we are now and what to know about prevention

Low-carb snacks: Easy and healthy options for any time of day

5 simple ways to improve gut health
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