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Sciatica: Gentle stretches to help relieve pain and improve mobility
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Let's not call it cancer
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A liquid biopsy for metastatic prostate cancer
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Healthy Eating Archive
How low should LDL cholesterol go?
People who are at high risk for cardiovascular disease can benefit from driving down "bad" low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels as low as possible to help reduce their risk for heart attacks and strokes. Guidelines recommend that people at high risk aim for LDL levels below 70 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). The general population should strive for levels below 100 mg/dL. Taking statins and adopting healthier lifestyle habits like following a plant-based diet and increasing exercise can help manage LDL levels.
Mediterranean diet may help ease depression
A 2024 research review suggests that consuming a Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes plant foods and healthy fats, may reduce depression symptoms in people with depression.
More evidence that ultra-processed foods harm health
A large 2024 review of evidence found that diets rich in ultra-processed foods were tied to increased risks for premature death, cardiovascular disease, mental health disorders, diabetes, obesity, sleep problems, and other health issues.
Healthy European cuisines from beyond the Mediterranean
In addition to the Mediterranean diet, other European eating patterns—namely, the Nordic diet and the Atlantic diet—feature heart-healthy fare. All three diets feature seafood, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, and nuts, with an emphasis on seasonal and local foods. Such foods also support environmental health and sustainability. People in the United States can follow this trend by shopping at a farmer's market or joining a community-supported agriculture program.
What lifestyle changes can help me avoid prostate cancer?
Most older men live with some prostate cancer. However, only a small number will develop aggressive cancer that affects their quality of life. Certain habits might lower men's risk, like eating a plant-based diet, doing vigorous activity, and having frequent ejaculations.
10 habits for good health
The foundation of a healthy lifestyle consists of lasting habits like eating right, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, managing mental health, and getting routine medical and wellness exams. Even making daily, small steps toward these goals can have a significant impact. Everyday strategies include doing morning stretching, taking regular naps, breathing exercises to manage stress, caring for skin and teeth, and being social.
Practical pointers about protein
Most healthy diets easily provide adequate amounts of protein. For optimal heart health, people should pay more attention to the quality rather than the quantity of protein they consume. However, people who take weight-loss drugs and those who have kidney disease may need to track their protein intake more closely. Everyone should aim to include plenty of plant-based sources of protein (such as beans, nuts, and soy-based foods like tofu and tempeh) in their diets.
How — and why — to fit more fiber and fermented food into your meals
A healthy diet is key to a healthy gut microbiome, which helps the immune system function well and reduces chronic inflammation among other important tasks. And increasing evidence suggests that fiber and fermented foods can play important roles in gut health.
Recent Articles
Sciatica: Gentle stretches to help relieve pain and improve mobility
Thinking about becoming a pescatarian? What you should know about the pescatarian diet
Let's not call it cancer
Chair exercises for seniors: Boosting strength, flexibility, and stamina
Why all the buzz about inflammation — and just how bad is it?
Chronic kidney disease: What to know about this common, serious condition
Beyond the usual suspects for healthy resolutions
COVID tests: Do at-home tests work on newer variants?
A liquid biopsy for metastatic prostate cancer
One way to combat loneliness? Strengthen relationships you already have
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