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Heart Disease Archive
Debunking myths about heart disease
Many people have misconceptions about avoiding heart disease. One involves the use of over-the-counter fish oil capsules, which do not prevent heart disease in healthy people. Another relates to confusion about the ideal blood pressure targets in older adults. Some people are misinformed about the implications of a family history of heart disease, while others may be confused about the differences in heart attack symptoms between men and women.
Checking for heart murmurs
A heart murmur is the sound of turbulent blood flow within the heart as heard through a stethoscope. In adults, most abnormal murmurs are caused by an aortic or mitral valve that's not working correctly.
Extra exercise may lead to a longer life
People who do two to four times the amount of exercise recommended by the U.S. physical activity guidelines may reduce their mortality (especially from heart disease) more than people who meet the exercise guidelines, according to a 2022 study.
Gut bacteria a likely accomplice in red meat's heart risk
Eating red meat has long been linked to a higher risk of heart disease. Breakdown products created by gut bacteria when people eat meat may contribute to this heightened risk, according to a 2022 study.
Ablation for atrial fibrillation
Catheter ablation destroys spots in the heart responsible for atrial fibrillation. Although traditionally used as a second-line treatment after medications fail, undergoing ablation earlier in the course of the disease may be a good option. The overall success rate for catheter ablation is around 75%. People sometimes undergo a second procedure if the first one isn't effective; this boosts the success rate to nearly 90%. Many factors, such as age, other health problems, and duration of afib can affect a person's outcome after catheter ablation.
The Essential 8: Enhanced advice for a healthy heart
The American Heart Association revamped its online tool, My Life Check, designed to help people prevent cardiovascular disease. Along with other changes, the AHA added healthy sleep duration to the list of seven other factors assessed by the tool. Those factors are maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking, being physically active, eating a healthy diet, and keeping blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol at acceptable levels. Each factor (now known as Life's Essential 8) are scored on a scale of 1 to 100 and used to generate a composite cardiovascular health score.
You don't say? Is there anything right about being left-handed?
Left-handers make up only 10% of the population. Despite some common beliefs, science has yet to show that left-handers have any specific advantages or disadvantages over right-handed people in terms of physical abilities, cognitive health, or longevity.
Your guide to taking statins
Statins continue to be a first-line treatment for many people at risk of heart attacks and strokes. They help reduce cholesterol levels, reduce plaque build-up, and protect against plaque rupturing, and fight inflammation. Possible side effects are often mild, if they occur, and go away after a brief period. Otherwise, people can manage them by changing the dosage or switching to another type of statin, per their doctor's direction.
Sleep added to list of essential healthy heart habits
The American Heart Association added sleep to its list of factors for cardiovascular health. The others are a healthy diet; physical activity; low levels of nicotine exposure; and healthy levels of weight, cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure.
Atrial fibrillation after surgery: Common and undertreated?
After surgery unrelated to the heart, a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation (afib) may be more common than previously thought. These cases, which may constitute 13% of new afib diagnoses, appear to be undertreated.
Recent Articles
Shining light on night blindness
Myths and truths about vitamin C
What could be causing your itchy scalp?
Could couples therapy be right for you?
Is the portfolio diet the best diet ever?
Got a hangnail? Here's what to do
Winter hiking: Magical or miserable?
Sciatica: Gentle stretches to help relieve pain and improve mobility
Thinking about becoming a pescatarian? What you should know about the pescatarian diet
Let's not call it cancer
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