Heart Health Archive


Diagnosing coronary artery disease

People who follow a healthy lifestyle can still have the early stages of coronary artery disease (CAD), the most common type of heart disease. There are many ways people can find out if they have CAD. This includes paying attention to whether exercise causes discomfort, doing a 10-year heart risk assessment, and seeing their doctor for diagnostic testing, such as a coronary artery calcium scan, a resting electrocardiogram, a walking stress test, or an echocardiogram. A doctor uses this information to determine the best treatment path.

Brief bursts of vigorous activity linked to lower heart risks

Briefly running or climbing stairs are examples of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity (VILPA). Just a few minutes of VILPA per day was linked to a lower risk of heart-related problems among women who don't exercise, a 2024 study found.

Daily dose of dark chocolate linked to lower diabetes risk

In a 2024 study, people with a habit of eating dark chocolate—about an ounce a day—were less likely to develop diabetes compared to those who didn't consume it.

A heart disease trigger that lurks inside bone marrow

A condition caused by spontaneous genetic mutations in bone marrow cells, known as clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate significance (CHIP), is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Some of these mutations are clearly related to inflammation, a well-known contributor to the buildup of fatty plaque inside arteries. Experts hope that future research on CHIP will eventually lead to genetically directed therapies to address the condition.

Practical pointers for pickleballers

Playing pickleball can boost cardiovascular health, but this popular sport can leave older players prone to injuries. Preventive strategies including taking a class to learn proper form; choosing supportive gear such as well-fitting shoes and sleeve braces; warming up before playing with squats, lunges, and heel raises; and doing lower-body strength-building exercises a couple of times per week.

Intensive lowering of blood pressure may protect people with type 2 diabetes from heart disease

People with type 2 diabetes may have greater protection from cardiovascular problems if they keep their systolic blood pressure (the first number in a reading) to 120 mm Hg or lower, according to a 2024 study.

Boosting share of protein from plants in diet may lower heart disease risk

A 2024 study found that people who follow a diet with a higher ratio of plant-based protein to animal-based protein may have a lower risk for cardiovascular disease and coronary artery disease compared with individuals who eat a lower plant-to-animal protein ratio.

More evidence that plant-based diets might ward off heart problems

In a large 2024 study, people who ate more plant-based proteins than animal proteins had the lowest risks of developing cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease, compared with those who ate more animal proteins than plant-based proteins.

Shining a light on the diabetes–heart disease connection

Having type 2 diabetes doubles a person's odds of heart disease, and this risk may be present as early as 30 years prior to the diabetes diagnosis, according to a 2024 study. The findings support the long-held observation of the shared underlying causes of diabetes and heart disease. These include factors that contribute to both conditions, especially the tendency to accumulate fat in the middle of the body, known as abdominal obesity. This problem tends to occur in tandem with high blood pressure, unhealthy lipid levels, and elevated blood sugar—a cluster of signs and symptoms called metabolic syndrome.

Lipoprotein(a): An update on testing and treatment

High levels of Lp(a)—a fatty particle similar to LDL cholesterol—may double or triple a person's risk of a heart attack. About one in five adults may have elevated levels, which also raises the risk of stroke and aortic stenosis. Unlike LDL, which rises with age and is influenced by diet and exercise, Lp(a) remains largely constant over a person's lifetime, so a one-time test suffices for screening. Lp(a) testing is becoming more common now that five promising new Lp(a) therapies are in development.

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