Men's Health Archive


Join the healthy heart trend

The rates of heart disease have dropped over the past decade. How can you be part of this pattern?

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Heart disease continues to be the No. 1 cause of death among men, but there is some good news—fewer older adults have heart disease. A recent report from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found the rates for this condition among people age 60 and older have fallen from 19.5% to 14.9% in the past decade.

What caused this downward trend? And how can you follow?

Meditation may ease anxiety from active surveillance

A mindfulness-based stress reduction program (MBSR) can help control anxiety among men who follow active surveillance for prostate cancer. The wait-and-see approach can make men feel so uneasy about their condition that they opt for treatment with radiation therapy or surgery when it is unnecessary. MBSR not only eases anxiety levels, but also inspires men to be more proactive about their health and adopt lifestyle changes like a proper diet and exercise.

You can protect yourself against superbugs

Some simple preventive measures can keep antibiotic-resistant bacteria at bay.

Image: hxdbzxy /Thinkstock

Although the Zika virus got more publicity throughout the summer, another—and even scarier-sounding—microbe also made headlines. Dubbed a new "superbug," strains of E. coli resistant to the antibiotic colistin were found in the United States. Colistin is a drug often used when others fail to control a bacterial infection. Fortunately, the bacteria weren't resistant to other antibiotics, which cleared the infections. "Although this particular case of antibiotic resistance may not be as dire as the media made it sound, in general these increasingly high-level resistances are an enormous problem," says Dr. Sarah Fortune, professor of immunology and infectious diseases at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Why superbugs are such a problem

Like other forms of life, bacteria are always evolving to become stronger and survive longer. One of the ways they increase their chances of survival is to acquire genes that help them resist threats—including natural enemies like viruses and man-made weapons like antibiotics. These genes can spring up within a bacterium through mutations and are passed down to subsequent generations of the microbe. In addition, they can be found on rings of DNA called plasmids, which can be transmitted to other types of bacteria, enabling the resistance to spread wider and faster. The E. coli strains discovered in 2016 raised concern because they carry the colistin-resistance gene on plasmids and thus have the potential to transfer the plasmids to bacteria that are already resistant to several other antibiotics.

Why you should heed a ministroke

Transient ischemic attacks, or TIAs, can signal an impending stroke, but prompt care can minimize damage.

Image: FlairImages/Thinkstock

Have you ever experienced a brief episode when your body seemed to be a little off—your vision was blurry, your speech slightly slurred, or one side of your body felt weaker than the other? If so, you may have experienced a transient ischemic attack (TIA), says Dr. Natalia Rost, a neurologist at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital. She notes that many women may assume they have suffered a migraine and get back to life as usual once the episode has passed. In fact, a TIA is a serious medical issue and warrants getting immediate treatment.

Immediate treatment is key

Having a TIA is usually a sign that you may have already endured a few "silent strokes"—interruptions of blood flow to the brain—and may have accumulated some brain damage as a result, Dr. Rost says. However, getting prompt attention for a TIA can significantly reduce your chance of having a major stroke and incurring greater damage.

A team of French researchers reported in April 2016 that people who received care from a stroke specialist within 24 hours of a TIA had only a 4% risk of having a major stroke within the next three months, compared with the average risk of 12% to 20%. Recent studies also show that people who got prompt treatment from stroke specialists in the hospital or clinic were much more likely to get the appropriate follow-up treatments, including aspirin, blood thinners, and blood pressure medication. "Just as getting prompt treatment for chest pain minimizes damage from a heart attack, getting help for a TIA diminishes the effects on the brain," Dr. Rost says.

Yet studies have shown that women aren't as likely as men to get brain-sparing treatments. A 2013 study indicated that gender discrimination wasn't the problem; women were less likely than men to seek help within four hours of the start of symptoms, when clot-busting therapies are most effective. Women who sought help within four hours received the same treatment as men did.

Why white matter really matters

What you should do

Dr. Rost suggests doing everything you can to minimize white-matter damage—controlling your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose are important. So is a lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a healthy diet, and not smoking. "While it's important to get help for a TIA, it's better to avoid one altogether," Dr. Rost says.

Is it always important to get a second medical opinion?

Men should always seek out a second medical opinion anytime they are given a diagnosis of serious illness or a recommendation for surgery. Also, when seeking a second opinion, it is best to visit a different medical center to get a truly independent diagnosis, and to bring along a family member or friend to accurately record the new information.

Redefining a healthy sex life

Knowing what to expect as you age can make intimacy more enjoyable for you and your partner.

Image: Jacob Ammentorp Lund/iStock

Your sex life doesn't end once you reach a certain age. Older people continue to enjoy active sex lives well into their 70s and 80s, according to a study in the January 2016 issue of Archives of Sexual Behavior. In fact, 54% of men over age 70 report they are still sexually active. Still, older men need to change their mindset when it comes to this next phase of their sex life.

"Our culture has a narrow perspective of what is considered good or 'normal' sex," says Dr. Sharon Bober, director of the Sexual Health Program at Harvard-affiliated Dana-Farber Cancer Center. "Your body and mind change as you age, which means your sex life does, too."

The major impact of ministrokes

Often referred to as a ministroke , a transient ischemic attack, or TIA, often lasts only minutes, but acts as a warning for a potential full stroke.

Stumble walking across the room? You simply aren't watching your step. Forget a name or can't get out the right words? It's just a fuzzy senior moment. Feeling a little dizzy? You only need to sit down for a second.

Unveiling post-traumatic stress disorder

Often considered an ailment of only military veterans, this condition also can affect many older men.

 Image: Devoryou/Thinkstock

Mention post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and most people immediately think of military veterans. While this group is highly susceptible to PTSD, research has shown that older adults, specifically men, are also vulnerable.

PTSD is a potentially debilitating condition that can occur in people who have experienced a natural disaster, war, terrorism, serious accident, violent personal assault, or similar traumatic event.

Radiation: Another treatment choice for prostate cancer

Used alone or with hormone therapy, radiation can be a viable option for men at any stage of prostate cancer.

 Image: BigStock


Nowadays, men diagnosed with prostate cancer are often given two treatment choices, on opposite ends of the spectrum. First is active surveillance, where you forgo immediate treatment and monitor the cancer's growth. The other is surgery to remove the cancerous prostate.

But an in-between option might be a better choice for men who do not want the anxiety of wait-and-see or the physical hardship of surgery: radiation therapy.

Depression in men: Getting the right treatment

Dr. Terry Schraeder talks with Dr. Michael Miller about the symptoms of depression in men and getting over the gender hurdles to find the right treatment.

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