Mental Health Archive


Staying calm in turbulent times

There are several ways to manage anxiety on your own, but it's important to recognize when to get professional help.

Nowadays, simply tuning in to the daily news is likely to be stressful. Add on the stresses of daily life — such as handling work demands or adjusting to retirement, dealing with family issues, coping with illness, or caregiving — and you may begin to greet each day with apprehension and worry. In other words, you can become anxious.

"Some degree of anxiety is normal and even necessary," says Dr. Ann Epstein, a psychiatrist at Harvard-affiliated Cambridge Health Alliance and medical editor of the Harvard Special Health Report Coping with Anxiety and Stress. "Anxiety signals us that something is awry or might need our attention. However, you don't want the response to become exaggerated or to dominate your life," she says. Good coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety can help you stay healthy during turbulent times.

Strategies to support teens and young adults with autism spectrum disorder during COVID-19

The conditions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic are challenging for all of us, but are especially difficult for teenagers with autism spectrum disorder and their families. Strategies to support teens and families living with ASD can help lessen the impact of the virus.

How can you support your teenager with autism spectrum disorder if they are depressed?

A recent study found that teens with autism spectrum disorder are three times more likely to develop depression, but several aspects of ASD overlap with those of depression, so identifying symptoms of depression in a person with ASD can be challenging.

Struggling with attention and organization as you age? It could be ADHD, not dementia

Older adults who find themselves struggling with memory, attention, or focus may be diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment, but it could also be ADHD, particularly if the person has other relatives with the condition.

A tale of two epidemics: When COVID-19 and opioid addiction collide

In our inner cities, the COVID-19 pandemic comes on top of another crisis that has plagued our country for years: the opioid epidemic. The combined effects of these two events are immense, and highlight already-existing problems with our society and our health care system.

6 self-care steps for a pandemic — always important, now essential

You’ve probably heard more about self-care lately than usual. Because our current situation is so abnormal and stressful, looking after yourself is even more important, and no one is more aware of this than doctors and other medical personnel.

Always worried about your health? You may be dealing with health anxiety disorder

Health anxiety can interfere with your life, but it's highly treatable.

 Image: © XiXinXing/Getty Images

You spend hours on the Internet researching health information. When you get a scratchy throat you automatically think cancer — not a cold. And even when medical tests come back showing that you're healthy, it doesn't make you feel better. In the back of your mind you still feel like something is wrong.

If this sounds like you or a loved one, it may be health anxiety.

Keeping teens home and away from friends during COVID-19

It may be difficult to impress on your teenage children the importance of staying home and not socializing with their friends during this pandemic, but as parents, you are going to have to convince them. Here are some helpful tools and ideas.

Not a staycation: Isolating at home affects our mental health (and what to do)

As the COVID-19 crisis keeps us at home for longer and longer, it’s important to acknowledge that this situation is having negative effects on everyone’s mental health. Here’s how parents and families can take care of themselves in ways that go beyond normal self-care strategies.

Recovering from addiction during a time of uncertainty and social distancing

Because the very nature of recovery support involves face-to-face interaction, whether in support group meetings or dispensing medication, it is at odds with the need for social distancing during the COVID-19 crisis, creating barriers to receiving support and maintaining recovery.

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