Relationships & Connections Archive


Sleeping apart: Good for your sex life?

A survey found that one-third of couples reported occasionally or regularly sleeping in separate rooms to accommodate a bed partner. The main motivation behind separate sleeping is to ensure both people get a good night's rest, as sleep can get disrupted by a partner's snoring, teeth grinding, thrashing, sleep schedule, and different sleeping environments. Couples should work together to ensure sleeping apart does not interfere with intimacy, such as scheduling snuggle time, taking naps together, and planning times for sexual activity.

Exercising with your spouse might add up to less movement

A 2023 study suggests that older adults who exercise with their spouses might be less physically active than those who exercise on their own.

Pets may help fend off cognitive decline in single seniors

A 2023 study found that pet owners who lived alone had slower rates of cognitive decline compared with people who lived alone but had no pets. Living with a dog or cat may help ease loneliness — an important risk factor for cognitive decline.

Couples often share high blood pressure diagnosis

People whose spouses have high blood pressure may be more likely to have high blood pressure themselves than people whose spouses do not have the condition, according to a 2023 study.

Not just good for the soul

Forgiveness is defined by replacing ill will toward an offender with goodwill. A 2023 study suggests forgiveness boosts mental health by reducing depression and anxiety levels. Other evidence suggests physical benefits as well. Studies indicate forgiveness also eases stress, improves sleep, and lowers blood pressure and heart rate. Being unable to forgive can raise blood pressure, which can affect overall heart health. Some people are innately better at forgiving, but Harvard experts say all people can learn skills that help them forgive.

Overcoming bedroom barriers

Older couples face many challenges as they age that can affect intimacy, including health issues, physical changes, and fluctuations in desire. These can lead to common problems like being stuck in a sexual rut, feeling out of sync, and dealing with low energy. But with communication, planning, and creativity, partners can continue to enjoy a satisfying sexual relationship.

Mood boosters

Everyone goes through periods when they feel low, lethargic, or stressed. These episodes usually pass after a while, but if symptoms linger or begin to interfere with daily life, people should seek professional help. Otherwise, people can take several steps to boost their mood, such as exercising more, spending time outdoors, volunteering, meditating, and keeping a gratitude journal.

Tips to navigate a "sleep divorce"

Some couples find that sleeping in separate rooms helps them get a better night's sleep. But before trying it, it's important to consider compromises to stay in the same room. For example, if one person snores, a doctor visit might be in order, and the other person might try wearing earplugs to better tolerate the sound. If separate bedrooms are the answer, it helps to make both sleeping spaces cozy, schedule time for intimacy, and regularly assess whether the arrangement is working for both partners.

The art of a heartfelt apology

If you have upset someone, the best way to rectify the situation is by making a sincere, heartfelt apology. But just saying the words isn't quite enough: for an apology to be effective, it has to be genuine. You have to mean it, and you have to make that clear.

No-cost, low-cost, and bigger splurges for climate-conscious gifts

If you're looking for gifts to give or donate, climate-conscious gifts come in many guises and fit no-cost, low-cost, or big budgets. Gifts can directly support the environment, trim waste and fossil fuel use, or offer creative ways to connect, reuse, recyle — and possibly regift.

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