Staying Healthy Archive


Savor the gifts of the aging mind

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With aging, the body and mind change—but it's not all bad.

Aging brings physical changes and a greater risk of health problems—no one needs to tell you that. The mind changes too, and we grumble about things like increased forgetfulness. But the aging mind bestows some gifts, too.

Having a dog can help your heart — literally

Dog lovers know how much warmth and comfort their canine companions add to their lives. But they might not know that a growing body of evidence suggests that having a dog may help improve heart health.

Pet ownership, especially having a dog, is probably associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. This does not mean that there is a clear cause and effect relationship between the two. But it does mean that pet ownership can be a reasonable part of an overall strategy to lower the risk of heart disease.

Must-have high-tech tools for caregivers

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When you are caring for someone who is ill, elderly, or disabled, it's important to consider how you'll handle those times when you can't be with your loved one in person. Thankfully, today's technology offers options that can help you keep track of your loved one's safety and well-being.

Most people are familiar with the emergency response system known as Lifeline. Experts call devices and systems like Lifeline "telecare." But there's much more to telecare than emergency assistance. Today, there are a multitude of telecare devices that can help you stay informed of your loved one's activities and needs in real time.

5 ways to care for yourself while caring for a loved one

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Caring for an aging parent or a loved one who is ill or disabled is often deeply rewarding. But it can also consume a lot of time, as well as physical and emotional energy. You may feel overwhelmed by myriad responsibilities — home, work, other family needs, and caregiving. But it's just as important to care for yourself before you burn out. Try our five tips below to help rejuvenate yourself.

1. Recruit help: You don't have to "do it all" yourself. In fact, it's best to have more than one person involved in caregiving. Whether it's accompanying your loved one to appointments, helping with housework, or cooking dinner one night a week, ask other family members to lend a hand. And if someone asks if he or she can pitch in, don't be afraid to say yes!

Exercise linked to lower atrial fibrillation risk for older women

Atrial fibrillation (AF)—in which the upper chambers of the heart contract weakly and rapidly—is associated with an increased risk of stroke and heart failure. Although exercise has been suggested as a preventive strategy, there aren't enough data to indicate whether it prevents AF in women.

To shed more light on the topic, Swedish researchers in 1997 asked about 40,000 women over 50 how much time they had spent exercising throughout their lives. The researchers then tracked the women for 12 years and noted that 2,915 (about 7%) had developed AF. They found that the risk of AF fell steadily with increasing activity. The women who exercised the most—more than four hours a week—were 15% less likely to have developed AF than those who exercised the least (less than one hour a week). Those who walked or biked 40 minutes or more a day had a 20% lower risk than those who rarely did either. The results were reported online by the British journal Heart on May 27, 2015.

Water and health: Follow your thirst

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Most men can get the water they need from their usual diet and by drinking when they are thirsty.

Especially in hot weather, we are urged to drink adequate fluids and be on guard for dehydration. That may be why you see people toting bottled water everywhere, propelled by the myth that you need to drink eight glasses of water a day to be healthy.

DASH or Mediterranean: Which diet is better for you?

Both eating plans have proven health benefits. Deciding which to follow depends on your goals and preferences.

The DASH diet has been named the best diet in the United States by U.S. News and World Report. However, the U.S. government panel writing the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans cited the Mediterranean diet as an example of how we should eat. If you're trying to choose the best eating plan to lower your health risks, which one should it be?

5 ways to ward off cancer

Being overweight raises the risk of developing cancer. You can reduce that risk if you maintain a normal body mass index.

Image: Thinkstock

There's no guarantee you can prevent cancer, but you can reduce the risk of developing it by making lifestyle changes.

The benefits of vitamin supplements

Most people do not need to take vitamin supplements, but in some situations, taking the pills may provide health benefits.
Image: Thinkstock

Ask the doctor

Q. Are vitamin supplements (like vitamin D) good for your health, and can you tell me who might benefit from taking the pills?

The benefits and risks of rediscovering your favorite sport

Playing a sport in our older years is great exercise. But before stepping onto a playing eld, make sure to address physical limitations.
Image: iStock

Competition is great for older adults, but don't skip training camp before your season starts.

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