Stress Archive


Managing stress and eating leafy vegetables may protect the brain

Two studies found that managing stress and eating a plant-based diet with at least seven servings of leafy green vegetables per week can help improve cognitive function and protect against Alzheimer's disease, respectively.

Why is my heart rate high?

Many factors can increase heart rate from the normal pace of 60 to 100 beats per minute. Lifestyle choices and certain medications can raise heart rate, as can serious conditions. When an elevated heart rate is joined by urgent symptoms, seek immediate care.

Gardening may bring a harvest of health benefits

A 2023 study involving 300 people suggested that people who kept a garden for one year ate about two more grams of fiber per day, had less stress and anxiety, and did more moderate-to-vigorous exercise per day than people who didn't do any gardening.

6 natural ways to lower blood pressure

Medication to lower high blood pressure is a proven way to reduce a person's risk for heart disease. But adopting lifestyle changes may let people maintain healthy readings and perhaps even avoid drug therapy. Six lifestyle changes have the most significant influence on blood pressure: diet, exercise, weight control, limiting sodium and alcohol, and managing stress.

A silent condition may be taking a toll on your health

Prediabetes is a common condition, and often goes undetected. People with this condition have a number of health risks, including a greater chance of suffering a heart attack or stroke. In addition, they are more likely to develop diabetes, which can lead to additional health problems, such as kidney disease and a higher rate of infection. Testing for prediabetes can find the condition early and potentially prevent it from progressing to diabetes.

Crucial ways you can support a healthy immune system

There’s no evidence that maintaining a healthy lifestyle will suddenly boost the immune system. However, it’s clear that healthy lifestyle habits contribute to overall health, supporting the body’s ability to fight infections instead of creating new problems. Healthy habits that help maintain a robust immune system include getting seven to nine hours of sleep per night, exercising, reducing stress, eating a healthy diet, not smoking, drinking alcohol only in moderation, maintaining a healthy weight, and getting underlying conditions under control.

Why won't my hives go away?

Hives are red, itchy welts that crop up on the skin. Allergic reactions and stress, among other triggers, can cause episodes of hives, which typically last several days to a couple of weeks. Cases that last six weeks or longer may be autoimmune hives.

Try this: Take a seat

Regular meditation can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve concentration. Practicing a simple 10-minute mantra-based meditation and observing mindfulness during everyday moments are ideal ways begin a meditation practice.

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