Harvard Women's Health Watch


Harvard Women's Health Watch

What’s your most important health concern? Chances are, you’ll find an article discussing it in a recent issue of Harvard Women’s Health Watch. Are you at risk for heart disease? If you eat a balanced diet, are supplements necessary? Will new drugs help prevent breast cancer? Can simple exercises like stretching and walking have a noticeable impact on my health? Subscribe now for answers to questions like these!

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Harvard Women’s Health Watch puts you in closer touch with everything that’s happening right now in the new age of women’s health and medicine. New prevention strategies, new diagnostic techniques, new medications and treatments. From heart disease in women to breast cancer, from diet and nutrition to vitamins and supplements, from hormone therapy to exercise and strength training, Harvard Women’s Health Watch focuses on health from a woman’s perspective.

In each eight-page monthly issue, you’ll find trustworthy, practical health information that can help you live a longer and healthier life. Discover:

  • the single best exercise regimen for maintaining bone strength
  • which friendly fats are good for you – and taste great
  • how to tell if you should get a heart scan
  • the surprising truth about soy
  • the new thinking on chemoprevention of breast cancer
  • when hormone therapy may make sense.

If it matters to women, it’s in Harvard Women’s Health Watch. You owe it to yourself to have the best health information available so you can make a real, positive difference in your health and well-being. Subscribe today.


The following reviews have been left for this newsletter. Log in and leave a review of your own.

Every issue contains at least one article that affects my decisions on healthful living. I have been a subscriber for many years, and find the articles in HWHW the most timely, comprehensive, authoritative and informative of any that I have found. JF, New Canaan, CT

As a long-time subscriber, there have been many articles that were of particular interest to me. Most important, though, is the overall knowledge that I have gained about my health and body, and the fact that the newsletters have given me good advice, tips to follow, questions to ask my physician, and additional resources to use when needed. KU, Diablo, CA

I eagerly look for my monthly Women's Health Watch because it's helpful to me in promoting good health. CEZ, Gainesville, FL

Harvard Women's Health Watch is a truly outstanding publication that I read with great interest, keep, and refer to over time when I need to look something up, either for myself or for my elderly mother. E.S.M., Newton, MA

I keep getting e-mails from friends about demanding the CA-125 test for ovarian cancer. I was pleased to read a much better informed article in Harvard Women's Health Watch and pass the correct, more subtle, information along to my friends. TWK, Lincoln University, PA

I love articles about menopause and ways to treat symptoms. Also the article about current treatments for aging skin etc. I have actually given articles to friends who had problems with abnormal menstrual bleeding and they took them to their doctors who incorporated suggestions into treatment options. U.K. Park Ridge, Illinois

I told my doctor that my blood pressure needed regulating and I used your letter to prove my point. I got medication. (At the time I was 140 over 90 and I was in my fifties. He said I was normal and I had you to set him straight.) AB, Pelham, Alabama

Thank you for a low-cost, easy to read, informative resource for those who wish to make wise health choices J.A. (everywhere in the US--often in Alaska)

I am a retired R.N. and I am extremely disappointed in the medical community here. The only Drs. I trust are the Cardiologist, and the Orthopedic. For this reason I continue to subscribe to HWHW. I think it is imperative for people to educate themselves about their health problems. S.H., Athens, Ga.

It is not just one of your reports that are the "best" but the interplay of all. As you most probably archive the articles, you have a library of all health and developments. It's a terrific for quick reference and if needed I can delve deeper. CR, Salt Lake City, Utah

Nearly every issue has some item of interest to me, either new information or helpful comments on a problem I am experiencing. CWS, Lake Ridge, VA

I know I can rely on Harvard Med School articles to be the most accurate and current of health information out there today. JM Kirkland, WA

I appreciate being kept up to date in a thoughtful way from a trusted source. An example: hormone therapy, which is confusing and is frequently changing. Related to this are articles about osteoporosis and heart disease. The newsletter is my first source for information. GW, Skokie, IL

Over the years I have read about a plethora of women's health issues. They always seem to be covered when I have questions...arthritis, fibromyalgia, depression, the nurses study and research on skin care in octogenarians. I always know when I get around to checking out an issue, I am going to come out armed with more useful info for my own health decisions as well as comments for others. DLD,Easley, SC

I like the fact that the Women's Health Letter deals with only women issues. Keep up the great work! IAS, Oak Lawn, IL

Thank you VERY much for your unbiased information. I appreciate that it is fact not "drug company" financed, and articles like the recent one on Fosomax, and the side effects that it has. JDL, New Yor

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